Mold Damage, Central Florida

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If your home or business has mold damage, you can count on our team to completely restore it.

Mold is a living thing that requires nutrients, moisture, and oxygen to grow. In the kitchen, it can frequently be found on rotting leftovers, and in the bathroom, it thrives on the damp air. Unlike plants, mold does not require light in order to grow, which is why it can also take hold in hidden areas of your home like the crawlspace or inside the walls. Mold is a nuisance at best, but a serious health hazard at worst. If you find mold in your home, you should call our team at On-Deck Restoration LLC as soon as possible to assess any mold damage.

Mold Damage in Central Florida

When mold enters your home, it can cause the structure around it to weaken and rot. Because mold can sneak in to areas that aren’t readily visible, mold damage can become quite extensive by the time the mold itself becomes apparent. We at On-Deck Restoration LLC are highly experienced in finding and correcting mold damage. When you enlist our services, we’ll first perform a thorough inspection to locate every site of damage, then completely remove all traces of mold, as well as correct underlying issues that lead to the mold in the first place. You can count on our team for great results and great service.

At On-Deck Restoration LLC, we are proud to serve the Central Florida area. We are familiar with its climate and weather patterns and how the humid conditions make an ideal environment for mold growth. If you need help for existing mold damage or if you want advice on how to prevent it altogether, give us a call to find out what our team can do for you.

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