Black Mold Removal, Lake County, FL

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Never do black mold removal yourself – call us to take care of your Lake County property for the safe and effective removal of this hazardous problem.

While there are some forms of mold that you may feel comfortable removing from your Lake County, Florida business or home on your own, black mold removal is something you should always leave for professionals. The toxic nature of certain black mold species requires it to be handled in a safe manner so that it isn’t spread to other areas, doesn’t cause illness in the person dealing with it, and is disposed of properly.

Black Mold Removal in Lake County, Florida

Here at On-Deck Restoration LLC, we understand the seriousness of performing black mold removal properly. We take every precaution and keep on top of all the newest developments, technologies, and methods for safe and effective mold handling. We are very thorough, including getting to the cause for the mold growth so that it can be resolved, as well. Missing this step means it is likely the mold growth will start up again and could be an even more viral colony to contend with.

Mold growth that has gone on a long time could result in not only a very large colony to remove, but also structural and surface degradation and damage. We are a full-service restoration company that makes sure every step is taken so that your property is as good as new. We offer specialized services that encompass furniture restoration, major electrical work, and plumbing as necessary to complete your black mold removal.

If you have questions about black mold removal or any of our restoration services, don’t hesitate to contact us. We offer our services for both homeowners and businesses in Lake County that have a mold issue or other problem due to fire, smoke, or water damage. From ceiling to floor and everything in between, your property will be restored so your life can get back to normal.

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