Noticing any type of mold in your home is disconcerting and concerning, and often will send homeowners into a panic. If you have experienced any flooding, leaks, or water damage in your home and notice mold, it is imperative to perform proper and professional mold removal. There are many different types of molds, some more dangerous than others. No matter the strain, it is important to remediate the issue to prevent spread and reach the root of the problem. Different building materials are more susceptible to mold, such as drywall, which is porous and can retain moisture and allow mold growth.
Exposure to mold has been linked to health issues and can cause a host of issues within the respiratory tract. More serious and dangerous strains of mold have been linked to systemic issues within other organ systems as well. Protecting the health of yourself and your family is of utmost importance, and choosing mold removal as soon as a problem is detected can help reduce the risk of developing issues from mold exposure.
At On-Deck Restoration LLC, we can perform mold removal in your home and restore your home with mold-resistant products to help prevent the recurrence of an issue. Our well-trained and trustworthy professionals receive regular and updated training to keep abreast of the best methods for restoration of your home in the safest way possible. No matter where the damage is, we can recover and restore any area of your home in an efficient manner and with excellent customer service. Give us a call today to eliminate any issues in your home to protect your family.