Water Leak, Lakeland, FL

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Don’t ignore that water leak!

Water Leak in Lakeland, FL
A common misconception about a water leak is that it isn’t a big concern if it isn’t seriously impacting your water bill. The reality is that even a small leak can be a problem and should be addressed as soon as you notice it. Another commonly believed myth is that just stopping the leak is enough. Here at On-Deck Restoration LLC, we recommend having any wet or damp area properly addressed so that you don’t experience mold growth or an insect or rodent infestation.

We have been serving the Lakeland, Florida area for many years. We are just as happy to help you resolve a minor water leak that has your home at risk as we are a major one. We are equipped to organize and handle all restoration requirements, so if your water leak has resulted in damage to your furniture, electrical system or even plumbing, we have you covered. Our well-trained core group of technicians is efficient and experienced to restore your home or business to normal.

Although we are experienced, we never stop learning. Our staff consistently receives updated training as the latest industry advancements come out, so we can be confident your water leak damage will be handled in the best way possible and that we can consistently produce high quality results.

You should also know that we have prompt response times for major water leak situations. We’re here 24 hours a day, seven days a week to get a quick jump on your water damage to minimize the chance for mold and other problems. Contact us today with any questions you may have.

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